Cenicienta : de doncella a princesa

Doncella de día, jovencita despampanante de noche.

Y sin embargo, son la misma mujer muñeca.

El patrón es Cenicienta Mágica de Irene Kiss y está escrito en español. No es difícil de hacer aunque requiere algo de paciencia.

Más fotos en  Flickr.

Housemaid by day, dazzling young lady by night.Still, one and the same woman doll! The pattern is Cenicienta Mágica by Irene Kiss. It is written in Spanish but I think it is still quite easy to follow, if you are used to making crochet. It’s not difficult to crochet either, although it takes a little patience.More photos over at Flickr.


  1. Ohh crisitina, this is so cute too! I won't show it to Serah, 'cause she will keep begging: can you try it too mummy. NO I CAN'T!!!! That's for sure, haha.

    Me gusta

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