
Doobie es un cachorrito adorable. Tuve algunos problemas para darle su forma al perrito y terminé usando limpiapipas en las patas delanteras. Me gustó el resultado, de todas formas. El patrón es Petite Pit Bull by Liz Lindo

Más fotos en Flickr.

Doobie is an adorable puppy! I had a little trouble shaping the dog, and ended up using pipe cleaners on the front legs, I love the result, though. The pattern is Petite Pit Bull by Liz Lindo. More photos over at Flickr.


  1. Oh my… is this little dog cute or what?
    Great to find you here! It's great you have a blog, too. I can follow your creations (which look way better than mine!!)
    Love, Carolien

    Me gusta

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